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Matthew John San Giorgio
10 Parklands Main road, Parklands,
Cape Town,

021 557 1595

hsk practice test




Various Levels


HSK test was propounded in order to serve Chinese language learners and award them with a certificate that they completely know Chinese language and it will be valid without any limitation in China.


This is generally held in order to rate the Chinese language proficiency and help in grooming the knowledge and abilities of non-native speakers to use Chinese in their daily lives. The test consists of 6 levels and very essential to pass all in order to get the certificate of language proficiency for higher education, international business, and professional purposes.


Levels Of HSK

Those who are participating in the HSK Level 1 means they are beginner and know basic Chinese, including- simple words, phrases and others.


HSK Level II test takers finally have great basic knowledge and good grasp over the language. They are able to communicate in simple language and can do routine tasks easily.


In HSK Level III, they groom up more and easily communicate at a basic level in their day to day affairs of the business. They can easily manage most of the communication in Chinese and able to understand others.


Those, who pass HSK Level IV, means they can easily communicate in the Chinese language and cover wide range of topics easily. Here, in this stage they are easily able to communicate with fluency and without any dependability.


HSK Level V means test takers are good in reading Chinese newspapers, easily understand Chinese music and enjoy various TV Shows and movies. Also, in this stage they can easily communicate in Chinese without any issues.


Those test takers who got HSK Level VI certificate means they have complete knowledge about the Chinese language and easily read, understand and write Chinese effectively to express themselves.


You may need time to clear HSK tests and to study for hsk practice test, using e-putonghua will provide you great support.